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Content Marketing
July 1, 2024

Want To Get Your Orlando Business Ranked On The First Page of Google? Here Are The Secrets Content Marketing Agencies Don't Want You To Know.

2022 is almost done and the next year is on the way. Learn the best content marketing strategies that Digital Marketing Agencies have been using for years and grow your business in Orlando for 2023. You can browse this article or you can use these steps to learn how to convert visitors into buyers. It's your turn to be an industry leader.

Want To Get Your Orlando Business Ranked On The First Page of Google? Here Are The Secrets Content Marketing Agencies Don't Want You To Know.

If you want to get your Orlando business ranked on the first page of Google, there are a few things you can do.

First, make sure your website is #optimized for search engine ranking.

What's that even mean? In short, this means using relevant keywords in your titles and throughout your content.

In addition, you can submit your website to directories and local listings. A great option to get started is by simply using google my business, it's free and it will absolutely help you start ranking on google in your local area.

Finally, create high-quality content that will encourage people to link to your site. If you follow these tips, you should see your Orlando business climbing the Google rankings in no time.

Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions

If you want your website to be successful, it's important to use keyword-rich titles and descriptions. This helps your site appear higher in relevant search results. The first sentences of an article are also important, as they are likely the first thing someone sees and reads when they found your content on a search engine.

Titles should be interesting and descriptive, while descriptions should be concise and informative. You can use keywords in both places, but don't stuff them in or you'll turn off your readers.

Make sure all of your website's content is high-quality and error-free. No one wants to read a poorly written article or an uninformative blog post. If you have spelling or grammar errors, people will assume that your website is unprofessional and may not take you seriously. Take the time to proofread your work before you publish it to avoid these problems.

Your website's content should be fresh and up-to-date. Search engines favor websites that are regularly updated with new content, so it's important to add new articles, blog posts, and other content on a regular basis. This will keep people coming back to your site, and it will help you attract new visitors as well.

It's also important to keep your website's design and layout consistent. If you're constantly changing the look of your site, it can be confusing for visitors and make it difficult for them to find the information they're looking for. Stick with a single template or theme throughout your entire website to make things easier for everyone involved.. This will help your site rank higher in search engines, and potential customers will be able to find you more easily. Try to include relevant keywords throughout your site, including in the titles and descriptions of your pages. A few well-chosen keywords can make a big difference in your traffic and sales.

Optimize your website for search engines

If you want your website to be successful, you need to make sure it is optimized for search engines.

This means that your website should be designed in a way that makes it easy for search engines to find and index your content. There are a number of things you can do to optimize your website for search engines, including using sitemaps, and using social media to promote your content.

Social media marketing Is often a topic of discussion when most entrepreneurs thinking about how to get more exposure for their business. It's true social impact definitely has benefits.

First off, it's free, and that's a great thing. The challenge is your social presence is only as good as your ability to share great content. It's not necessarily special that you have an account unless what you're posting is creative, inspirational, informational, or entertaining in some way.

Unfortunately, this is where things begin to get more complex and require some heavier lifting with a better #strategy.

What we're really talking about here is attempting to get cheap traffic so more people can interact with our offers.

However, traffic isn't so cheap when you're spending tons of time trying to figure out what funny posts and kitchen dancing videos might make you go viral. It definitely looks easier than it is, and it's even more difficult to do this on a consistent basis.

If your goal is to get more exposure, so you can drive more revenue to your business or be seen as a leader in your industry, it may just be a little easier, and a lot less stressful to have someone else focus on this aspect of gaining the right attention.  

There are a number of great platforms, marketing services, and agencies in Orlando that can help you navigate

everything from, public relations, ecommerce, press releases, inbound leadflow, email marketing, web design, and conversion funnels, depending on your needs at each stage of your campaign.

We are content marketers, so we specialize in helping you create content that's interactive and aligned with your brand message,  we link communication with your audience to your offers in a way that gets them to take action.

If you need some support or just have a ton of questions on how to create the best content, feel free to schedule a complimentary strategy call.

We're happy to show you how you're stacking up against your competitors and give you some insight on how you can level the playing field to get more #visibility.

It's all about getting the right #support, after all Rome wasn't built in a day right?

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How To Attract More Sales with Engaging Content

If you want to attract more sales, you need to engage your audience with compelling content. It doesn't need to be large-scale to be effective and it can be existing content or videos you've got on a Youtube channel or repurposed from old social media posts. You can easily source this stuff from different platforms. No matter what it is, the best content marketing comes from being interesting and informative , if you do this right people will be coming back for more.

Plus it will encourage them to share your site with others. The more engaging your content is, the better chance you have of driving sales.

We run evaluations for businesses, and I can't tell you how many times we see content that's dry, boring, transactional, and doesn't actually help the viewer/reader in any way, or even worse, had bad execution and doesn't increase your number of visitors.

You can promote this way and call it content, but it actually ends up highlighting things that don't paint your business in the greatest light. Do you want them to browse or do you want them to buy?

Start thinking about how you can serve people with your content, give them an idea of what your services include or maybe consider doing a newsletter and give them a true sense of why you're in business.

What trend has changed since 2021? Do you have a list of the best ways to bake a cake? Do drywall? Build an online course?

You're the specialist, help us see things from your view.

If you clearly explain your impact on the community you will likely be embraced. Bring them into your world a little bit.

This kind of connection isn't something a logo on a pretty website can communicate easily communicate for you unless you're sharing your story.

You don't need to be super polished in order to get people to like you or your business, but you have to be present.

Great content is more about creating alignment with the people you'd love to have as customers or by simply being a part of your growing community.

How Can I Make Relevant Content For Orlando Locals

If you have an Orlando-based business you have an absolutely unfair advantage. There are so many things that are specifically located in Orlando that only locals would understand.

For example, if you referenced being so tired of traffic on I4, everyone around Orlando is familiar, or if you said you were taking a quick stroll around Lake Eola and watching the swan boats, the community is clear, you're either from here or have spent some time here, either works just fine.

If you're looking to produce timely content that's relevant to Orlando locals, speak to them as part of your community because they are. Try offering experiences or opportunities that combine other Orlando treasures with what you have to share.

More than anything it's crystal clear this city has a special kind of magic to it, and if you start sharing your brand in an effective way, your business will be embraced as an important part of what makes up the Orlando community.

Brand awareness is part of the journey and engaging the community has the potential to create powerful content and can amplify your online presence.

How Can I Measure The Growth & Impact of My Content Marketing Strategy?

There are a number of ways you can measure the growth and impact of your content marketing strategy.

However, the first thing you need in place is a way to track your progression.

This could be the number of new visitors to your website or blog or the number of conversions on an ad campaign. Tracking your progression this way will set you up for success in the long run.

We like to use #KPI's or key performance indicators so we know exactly what steps were taking and what action is moving the needle on our business.

From our view, It's best to focus on numbers that you can personally impact if you're focused on the marketing because vanity metrics such as likes and shares can be deceiving.

Your efforts should be able to be measured, for example how many calls were generated? How many people were added to your email list? How many sales were generated from that campaign?

The end goal is for your business to grow not your headaches.

What digital marketing strategies can you use to make your content creation relevant to your target audience and optimized for SEO

A great way to decide on which content to make is going to come down to what your audience is looking for.

A strategy we like to use is to audit #amazon reviews for books on a particular topic, and we read the reviews. In general we look past most 1 start reviews, and skip lots of the 5 star reviews. From our perspective these are outliers, and will give you extreme perspectives.

These people feel strongly are are often not quite as specific about what is missing that could make a difference.

1 star reviews basically say everything sucks, and the 5's scream their praises. We are much more interesting in the opportunity in between with 2 - 4 star ratings.

Handling your market research in this way will give you millions of dollars worth of insight on what people are buying, what they wish they had, what their experience was with the brand, and how you can innovate to be positively disruptive in your industry. Try this strategy and let us know how it works for you!

Why You Might Need To Hire A Content Marketing Agency or Provider

There are several reasons why you might need to hire a content marketing provider. Perhaps you don't have the time or resources to produce content yourself. Maybe you need help developing a content strategy that aligns with your business goals. Or maybe you're looking for someone to create high-quality, engaging content that will reach your target audience.

Content creation can be tough if you don't have a strong strategy. Agencies know this, and that's part of why we are so effective. I know exactly what I need to say in order to have this article rank on google. I know the keywords, and I know how to optimize my content for SEO, or search engine optimization and in a lot of ways it's an unfair advantage.

However, that doesn't mean you can't benefit from that knowledge. You could certainly take the time to go learn all these components and endless technical jargon yourself, but in fairness, it takes most people out of the game of what they do best, which is running their business.

We can help you get the visibility you deserve and achieve your content marketing goals, whether you're starting from scratch or looking to improve your existing efforts. They can help you save time and money while ensuring that your content is effective and engaging. If you're serious about growing your business, a content marketing provider is a valuable partner to have on your team.

In Conclusion

Here is a summary of what steps to take with your content marketing:

  • Plan your content strategy. What topics will you cover? Who is your target audience? What type of content will they find most valuable?

  • Create high-quality, seo-ready original content that is interesting and useful to your target audience.

  • Impletement some kind of #tacking method or so you know exactly what's working for you and what's not

  • Get Support - Don't feel bad if you're failing with your marketing strategy, simply reach out and contact us. It's hard to do all this stuff on your own and you shouldn't have to.

Lechon Kirb is a business strategist, and the founder of Market Theory, He specializes in marketing strategy, brand development with a specialization in educational programming and design. He’s partnered with several companies, including software programs, and learning management systems to help innovate the development of educational learning environments through multimedia experiences and learning fundamentals. He also co-founded the Online Course Success Summit, featuring of 100+ of the world’s experts on educational products, as well as coached many businesses and entrepreneurs in building online courses, online memberships, and expanding continuing education. His work has been featured in Forbes, Digital Marketer, Universal Studios and more...