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June 26, 2024

Stage Success: Practical Tips for Booking Speaking Gigs

Learn the art of weaving personal stories into your speeches to create deeper connections and make complex ideas relatable. Starting with smaller events is recommended, as it offers a platform for growth and skill refinement, building credibility and setting the stage for larger speaking opportunities. Incorporate the concept of loss aversion in your pitches to highlight the unique value you bring, emphasizing what event organizers stand to lose by not choosing you.

Ever dreamt of stepping onto a stage, commanding the room with your words? Imagined that feeling when your message resonates and you see nods all around?

Well, you're not alone. But transforming those dreams into reality isn't just about passion—it's also strategy.

You may ask yourself, "How do I land these speaking gigs?" It's more than networking and building relationships—though they are key pieces to the puzzle. There's an art to it—an exciting game of chess where every move counts.

This post will show you how LinkedIn can be leveraged for opportunities or why looking outside your industry might unlock hidden gems. We'll talk about perfecting a portfolio that sets you apart and mastering engagement over content for securing referrals.

Dive in as we explore each step meticulously so that next time opportunity knocks—you're ready!

Table Of Contents:

Utilizing LinkedIn for Speaking Opportunities

LinkedIn is more than just a networking platform; it's also a goldmine of opportunities, particularly when it comes to securing speaking gigs. With the right strategy and use of specific hashtags, you can tap into this rich vein.

A simple but effective way to start your journey is by conducting weekly searches using the hashtag #callforspeakers. This can reveal events and conferences that are actively looking for individuals like you to share their knowledge and experiences. Remember though: while these results provide potential platforms, getting selected still requires work on your end.

The Importance of Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile acts as an online portfolio - an essential tool in attracting those lucrative speaking engagements. A strong profile showcases not only your expertise but also demonstrates real-world experience that lends credibility to your voice.

Treat every section as an opportunity to sell yourself. Highlight past speaking engagements, demonstrate thought leadership through articles or posts you've shared, show endorsements from other industry professionals – everything helps.

Making Connections Count

Beyond casting out #callforspeakers nets each week, don't forget about human connections too. Reach out directly with personalized messages explaining why you're interested in their event or organization. Just remember: genuine interest goes much further than blanket spamming everyone who pops up on search results.

In essence: yes, #hashtags matter, but so do personal connections and demonstrating value beyond what any algorithm could measure. It’s time we started treating LinkedIn less like another social media platform and more like the professional opportunity generator it can be.

Got speaking skills? Put 'em to work on LinkedIn. Find gigs with #callforspeakers, boost your profile with real-world experience and make genuine connections. Time to unlock LinkedIn's goldmine of opportunities. #SpeakUp Click to Tweet

Building an Attractive Portfolio

An attractive portfolio is your golden ticket to booking speaking gigs. It's like your own personal showcase, allowing you to display your expertise and past accomplishments.

A standout portfolio has a unique flavor that separates it from the competition. You don't want just another cookie-cutter presentation - think of creating a taste sensation that leaves event organizers hungry for more.

Making Your Mark with Uniqueness

The key lies in infusing personality into every part of your portfolio. Think about what makes you different: Are you passionate about AI technology? Do you have years of experience navigating corporate mergers?

Tailor these elements into engaging stories or insights that exhibit who you are as a speaker and thought leader.

The Power of Presentation

Presentation is everything when building an impressive portfolio. Consider how food on a plate can either look appealing or off-putting depending on its arrangement - the same applies here.

Toastmaster’s public speaking tips, recommends using high-quality images, concise descriptions, and video snippets from previous speeches if possible.

Crafting Compelling Case Studies

Your case studies should tell compelling narratives around the challenges faced by clients or audiences before they encountered your expertise, then paint vivid pictures illustrating how their worlds changed afterward because of it. HubSpot offers excellent examples.

"A unique and attractive portfolio can help in standing out from the competition." - this isn't just a saying. It's backed by stats and it works.

Spice up your speaking gigs. Your portfolio isn't just a resume, it's a taste sensation. Show off your unique flavor with engaging stories and stunning presentations. #SpeakingGigs #PortfolioPower Click to Tweet

Expanding Your Horizons: Targeting Organizations Outside Your Industry

As a speaker, you might be comfortable sticking to your industry. Discover a new universe beyond your realm. Think of the numerous organizations outside your field that need expert speakers like you.

Taking this step may seem risky. However, it's more like stepping into a gold mine of untapped opportunities for niche speaking gigs.

The Potential in Unfamiliar Territories

Casting your net wider can bring unexpected rewards. You could become the fresh voice these organizations have been looking for, bringing a new perspective they wouldn't typically hear from their own insiders.

This not only helps diversify their knowledge but also gives you exposure to audiences that are completely new and different.

Unlocking Niche Speaking Opportunities

Moving beyond familiar territories is beneficial because targeting organizations outside of your own industry can provide niche speaking opportunities.

Sometimes being an outsider brings advantages. Because every time you present in front of these 'foreign' crowds, it'll feel as though each word from you carries novelty - creating more impact than expected.

Finding Those Hidden Gems

To find such gigs, use tools like LinkedIn or platforms dedicated to connecting speakers with event organizers across industries (*hint hint*, yes we're suggesting Eventbrite here). Just remember – when targeting unknown terrains, it's essential to do your homework about the organization and their audience. So go ahead - dare to step out of your comfort zone.

Dive into the gold mine of speaking gigs outside your industry. Cast a wider net for unexpected rewards and fresh audiences. Make every word count with novelty impact using LinkedIn or Eventbrite to connect. Dare to step out. #PublicSpeaking #NewTerritories Click to Tweet

Building Relationships with Prospects

The key to landing speaking gigs lies not just in showcasing your skills but also in building genuine relationships. Connecting with prospects on a deeper level can turn them from potential leads into secured deals.

The Art of Networking

In the world of public speaking, networking is an essential skill. It's all about creating strong ties within the industry and showing sincere interest in others' pursuits.

You'll be surprised how much people appreciate when you take time to understand their interests and needs. But remember, networking isn't merely exchanging business cards; it’s about forging bonds that can lead to long-term collaborations.

For example, joining a Toastmasters club will give you access to like-minded individuals who are passionate about improving their communication skills - which might lead you directly towards new opportunities.

Sowing Seeds for Future Opportunities

Beyond immediate gains, cultivating relationships opens doors for future possibilities. Remember: today's prospect could become tomorrow's client or even partner.

By prioritizing the exchange of value and sharing wisdom from our journeys, we cultivate a culture of mutual trust and respect. It's about fostering stronger bonds through care and understanding – because when we genuinely invest in each other's growth, everyone wins. "The more we care, the stronger our connections become."

Note: While this process may seem slow initially, don’t underestimate its power. Building meaningful relationships has proven successful over time by leading us right towards conversions.

Crack the code of landing speaking gigs. It's not just about showcasing skills, it's building genuine bonds. Network smartly - remember, today's prospect could be tomorrow's partner. #PublicSpeakingTips #NetworkingWins Click to Tweet

Improving Visibility through Practice

"It's often said that repetition leads to excellence," is a phrase you may have heard. This couldn't be more true when it comes to securing speaking gigs. The more you drill your artistry, the superior you become at it and the higher likelihood of being noticed.

Your journey towards becoming a sought-after speaker starts with consistent practice. Whether online or offline, honing your skills is key. Speaking opportunities are not just found in grand halls and large conferences but also on podcasts and social media platforms.

The Power of Podcasts

A mic, an interesting topic, and a curious audience – that's all it takes to start leveraging podcasts for visibility. Guesting on these digital talk shows can establish you as an expert in your field.

Don’t underestimate smaller events either; they’re great places to cut your teeth before stepping onto larger stages. Accepting invitations from such platforms gives you valuable experience while building credibility among potential bookers.

This dual approach—practicing both online (like podcast guestings) and offline (at small-scale events)—can significantly improve expertise visibility.

To illustrate this point further: Imagine someone searching for speakers within their industry only to stumble upon one of your captivating podcast episodes? Or perhaps they attended a local event where you delivered a killer keynote speech? That’s how practicing helps build up expertise visibility which ultimately leads into more booking opportunities.

Remember folks - there's no shortcut around hard work. So grab that mic or step onto that stage today because every opportunity is another chance to sharpen those speaking skills.

Want to land more speaking gigs? Practice is key. From podcasts to local events, every opportunity helps hone your skills and increases visibility. Remember, there's no shortcut around hard work. #PublicSpeakingTips ️ Click to Tweet

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Prioritizing Engagement Over Content

It's time to prioritize crafting engaging experiences over merely producing content. In the realm of public speaking, engagement is king and content is its loyal subject.

Forbes has shown us that prioritizing engagement can lead to more referrals and secured speaking gigs. Why? Because when your audience feels connected, they're more likely to recommend you.

The Magic of Engaging Experiences

We all remember a captivating speaker who held us on every word, right? That’s because their performance was not merely about conveying information but providing an experience.

Providing content that resonates with the audience is a key element of an engaging presentation. And yes. This requires an artful blend of storytelling techniques and presentation skills.

Audience Interaction: The Heartbeat Of Engagement

An effective strategy for increasing engagement during your talks involves interaction with your listeners - get them involved.

You could use interactive polls or Q&A sessions during your speech which gives attendees a chance to participate actively instead of being passive recipients. It also allows you to tailor parts of your talk based on real-time feedback.

Crafting Personal Stories into Your Speech

People connect with people, not just facts. Incorporating personal stories into your speech helps to humanize you and forge a stronger connection with your audience.

Your own experiences can help to make abstract concepts more tangible and relatable for listeners. This simple yet powerful strategy often makes the difference between a forgettable presentation and an engaging experience that resonates long after it's over.

Ditch the content-first approach. It's time to craft engaging experiences for your audience. Think captivating stories, interactive sessions, and personal anecdotes. #PublicSpeaking #EngagementFirst Click to Tweet

Starting Small and Scaling Up

It's tempting to dream big when it comes to speaking gigs. But just like a bird learning to fly, you've got to start small before soaring into the sky. The beauty of starting with smaller events is that they give room for growth and skill refinement.

The initial stage in your journey may not have all the glitz and glamour of large conferences or seminars, but they offer an invaluable opportunity: credibility building. It's akin to climbing a ladder - each rung represents a stepping stone towards larger stages.

A well-planned strategy involves gradual progression from lesser-known venues towards bigger ones. Each successful gig gives you more leverage when applying for larger opportunities down the line, as experience has shown us time and again.

The Power of Consistency

In this realm, consistency matters just as much as scale does if not more so. By continually booking smaller engagements without fail, you create momentum which helps propel your career forward faster than sporadic attempts at high-profile appearances would allow.

This approach lets event organizers see how serious you are about honing your craft while also allowing them insight into what makes your talks unique — both vital factors when deciding on speakers for their own gatherings.

Capitalizing on Momentum

Taking advantage of gained momentum allows one speaker after another speak at progressively larger venues until reaching those coveted mainstage slots everyone dreams about getting one day. So let’s get our feet wet by diving headfirst into small business meetings, local workshops or even online webinars – these serve as perfect launching pads.

You'll learn how to handle the crowd, deliver engaging content and navigate event logistics. All these experiences will not only give you confidence but also shape your unique style as a speaker.

Begin your speaking career with smaller events, using them as stepping stones towards larger stages. This strategy builds credibility and lets organizers see the uniqueness of your talks. Consistently booking gigs creates momentum that propels you forward faster than sporadic high-profile appearances. Use this momentum to move onto bigger venues, all while honing your craft and shaping a unique style.

Showcasing Value through Loss Aversion

As a speaker, you're not just selling your words but the value they bring. Think of it like this: If you're trying to sell a car, you don't just talk about the leather seats and fancy radio - You highlight what will be missed if they don't buy.

This concept is called loss aversion. People tend to prefer avoiding losses over acquiring equivalent gains. Behavioral Economics explains that losing $100 feels more intense than gaining the same amount.

So how does this apply to booking speaking gigs? The answer lies in showcasing the unique benefits an event organizer would miss out on by not hiring you as their speaker.

  • The first step is understanding what makes your speech valuable - Is it your expertise in a specific field?
  • Your engaging storytelling skills?
  • Your knack for motivating people?

You then need to articulate these values clearly and convincingly when pitching yourself for speaking opportunities. It's crucial here not only highlighting what organizers gain from choosing you but emphasizing what they lose if they don’t.

Loss Aversion in Action

Data shows us this strategy works wonders. Let’s say there are two speakers with similar qualifications vying for one gig. Speaker A highlights his credentials and past accomplishments while Speaker B emphasizes all that could be lost without his distinct insight or innovative ideas at play during their event.

  • In most cases, decision-makers lean towards avoiding loss (Speaker B) rather than securing an apparent gain (Speaker A).

So, it's clear that employing loss aversion when showcasing your value as a speaker is an effective strategy to increase chances of being selected for speaking gigs. The key lies in understanding and articulating the unique benefits you bring to the table - and what organizers stand to lose without them.

Showcasing Value through Loss Aversion: As a speaker, sell not just your words but their value. Understand what makes you unique and highlight these in pitches. It's not just about what event organizers gain by choosing you, but what they lose if they don't.

Building a Strong Personal Brand

A powerful personal brand is more than just a catchy tagline or an impressive resume. It's about crafting your unique narrative, showcasing your expertise, and making yourself memorable in the minds of event organizers.

You may ask, why focus on building a personal brand? The answer lies in the value it brings to securing speaking gigs. With countless individuals vying for the same opportunities, having a robust personal brand sets you apart from others.

The Impact of Authenticity

In creating your personal brand, authenticity should be at its core. This isn't about fabricating an image but rather letting your genuine self shine through. Authentic brands are relatable and resonate with people better - crucial when trying to convince event planners that you're their best choice as a speaker.

Crafting Your Unique Narrative

Your story matters; it differentiates you from others and gives context to who you are beyond what can be found on paper. Take time to introspectively identify experiences that have shaped who you are today – these form part of your unique narrative which makes up one aspect of strong branding.

Consistency across Platforms

To build credibility and recognizability within industry circles, make sure there's consistency between all public platforms representing you: LinkedIn profile descriptions match Twitter bios which align with website copy, etcetera. This also includes keeping regular updates so prospective bookers always get current info about where they might find value in hiring as their next guest speaker.

Note: Building such visibility requires patience because good things take time - including reputations worth noting down by those scouting potential speakers like themselves out there looking for exactly someone special enough worthy standing onstage alongside other experts sharing wisdom gained over years practicing whatever craft fuels passion drives them forward each day towards achieving personal success.

Build a strong personal brand to stand out from the crowd when booking speaking gigs. Make authenticity your brand's foundation and create a unique narrative that resonates with event planners. Keep consistent across all platforms for credibility, but remember, building visibility takes time.

FAQs in Relation to Tips for Booking Speaking Gigs

How do you get booked for speaking gigs?

To score speaking gigs, start by building a solid portfolio and personal brand. Use LinkedIn's #callforspeakers, network actively, and practice your craft both online and offline.

How do you book a speaking event?

To set up a speaking event, identify potential venues or platforms first. Then reach out to organizers with your unique value proposition. Remember to showcase what they stand to lose without your input.

How do you charge for speaking engagements?

Pricing for speeches depends on factors like the event size, industry standards, and speaker experience level. It’s best to research rates in similar scenarios before setting yours.

How do you get hired for speaking engagements?

Landing paid speech jobs involves showcasing expertise within your field while delivering engaging experiences that trump content alone. Start small then scale up as credibility grows over time.


So, you've navigated the chessboard of booking speaking gigs.

You learned how LinkedIn is your ally in this game. You now know that an attractive portfolio isn't just pretty—it's persuasive.

Daring to venture outside your industry could unlock unexpected opportunities while networking and relationship-building set up a strong foundation for success.

Practice makes perfect—and more visible! And it’s not always about content—sometimes engagement steals the show.

Tips for booking speaking gigs? Start small, then aim high. Show potential hosts what they’d miss without you on their stage!

Above all else, remember: A strong personal brand can make or break your speaker journey.

Lechon Kirb is a business strategist, and the founder of Market Theory, He specializes in marketing strategy, brand development with a specialization in educational programming and design. He’s partnered with several companies, including software programs, and learning management systems to help innovate the development of educational learning environments through multimedia experiences and learning fundamentals. He also co-founded the Online Course Success Summit, featuring of 100+ of the world’s experts on educational products, as well as coached many businesses and entrepreneurs in building online courses, online memberships, and expanding continuing education. His work has been featured in Forbes, Digital Marketer, Universal Studios and more...